<h2><strong>1. Definition of "Intermediary" under GST</strong></h2><p>? <strong>As per Section 2(13) of IGST Act, 2017</strong>, an <strong>intermediary</strong> is:</p><ul><li>A <strong>broker, agent, or any other person</strong> who <strong>arranges or facilitates</strong> the supply of goods, services, or securities <strong>between two or more parties</strong>.</li><li><strong>Does NOT include</strong> a person who <strong>supplies goods or services on their own account</strong>.</li></ul><p>? <strong>Intermediary Concept in Service Tax & GST:</strong></p><ul><li>The GST definition is <strong>largely similar</strong> to the <strong>Service Tax definition</strong>, except that it now <strong>includes securities</strong>.</li></ul><hr><h2><strong>2. Essential Conditions to Qualify as an "Intermediary"</strong></h2><p>✅ <strong>Three or More Parties Involved</strong></p><ul><li>An intermediary <strong>must arrange or facilitate a transaction between two separate parties</strong>.</li><li><strong>A two-party transaction does not qualify</strong> as an intermediary service.</li></ul><p>✅ <strong>Two Distinct Supplies</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Main Supply:</strong> Between two principal parties (can be goods, services, or securities).</li><li><strong>Ancillary Supply:</strong> The intermediary <strong>facilitates</strong> or <strong>arranges</strong> the main supply.</li></ul><p>✅ <strong>Acts as an Agent or Facilitator</strong></p><ul><li>The intermediary <strong>does not provide the main supply themselves</strong> but only plays a <strong>supportive role</strong>.</li></ul><p>✅ <strong>Does Not Supply Goods/Services on Own Account</strong></p><ul><li>If a person <strong>partially or fully provides the main service themselves</strong>, they <strong>are not an intermediary</strong>.</li></ul><p>✅ <strong>Subcontracting is NOT Intermediation</strong></p><ul><li>If a business <strong>outsources work to another provider</strong>, the subcontractor is <strong>not an intermediary</strong> since they directly <strong>supply the main service</strong>.</li></ul><hr><h2><strong>3. Key Clarifications with Examples</strong></h2><h3><strong>? Example 1: Intermediary Service (✔️)</strong></h3><p>? <strong>C helps A sell machinery by finding buyer B and arranging the contract.</strong><br>? <strong>C does not supply the machinery but only facilitates the sale.</strong><br>? <strong>C is an intermediary and provides intermediary services to A.</strong></p><h3><strong>? Example 2: Not an Intermediary (❌)</strong></h3><p>? <strong>A is a software company contracted by B to develop customized software.</strong><br>? <strong>A outsources part of the software development to C.</strong><br>? <strong>C directly provides the service to A and does not arrange the main supply between A & B.</strong><br>? <strong>C is NOT an intermediary, as they are directly supplying services.</strong></p><h3><strong>? Example 3: Intermediary Service (✔️)</strong></h3><p>? <strong>P (foreign insurance company) hires Q (Indian service provider) to find an Indian company R to process insurance claims.</strong><br>? <strong>Q does not process the claims but only arranges the deal between P & R.</strong><br>? <strong>Q is an intermediary.</strong></p><h3><strong>? Example 4: Not an Intermediary (❌)</strong></h3><p>? <strong>A (foreign computer manufacturer) hires B (Indian BPO) to provide customer support.</strong><br>? <strong>B directly interacts with A’s customers and provides customer care services.</strong><br>? <strong>B is NOT an intermediary, as they are directly supplying services to A.</strong></p><hr><h2><strong>4. Place of Supply Rules for Intermediaries</strong></h2><p>? <strong>Place of Supply for Intermediary Services (Section 13 of IGST Act)</strong> applies <strong>only when either the supplier or recipient is located outside India</strong>.</p><hr><h2><strong>5. Key Takeaways for Businesses</strong></h2><p>✅ <strong>Ensure that a transaction involves at least three parties to be considered an intermediary service.</strong><br>✅ <strong>If you directly supply the goods/services, you are NOT an intermediary.</strong><br>✅ <strong>Subcontractors are not intermediaries if they deliver the main service.</strong><br>✅ <strong>Intermediary services follow specific place-of-supply rules under GST.</strong></p><hr><h2><strong>6. Trade Notices & Implementation</strong></h2><p>? <strong>CBIC directs tax authorities</strong> to issue trade notices to ensure businesses understand these clarifications.<br>? Any <strong>challenges in implementation</strong> should be reported to CBIC.<a href="https://cms.plasament.com/storage/shubham-pathak/circular-no-159-14-2021-gst.pdf">Circular-No-159-14-2021-GST</a><br> </p>