Entitlement of ITC by Insurance Companies: Key Insights from Circular No. 217/11/2024-GST
<h3>1. <strong>Modes of Insurance Claim Settlement</strong></h3><p><span>The circular distinguishes between two modes of insurance claim settlement:</span></p><ul><li><span><strong>Cashless Mode:</strong> The insurance company directly makes the payment of approved repair charges to the network garage.</span></li><li><span><strong>Reimbursement Mode:</strong> The insured first makes the payment to the non-network garage, and subsequently, the insurance company reimburses the insured for the approved repair/claim cost.</span></li></ul><h3>2. <strong>ITC Entitlement in Reimbursement Mode</strong></h3><p><span>The key issue addressed in the circular is the availability of ITC to insurance companies in the reimbursement mode of claim settlement. The clarifications are as follows:</span></p><ul><li><span>Insurance companies are entitled to avail ITC on the tax paid for repair services provided by garages in the reimbursement mode.</span></li><li><span>This entitlement is based on the fact that the insurance company is liable to make the payment for the approved repair services, making them the recipient of the said services as defined under Section 2(93) of the CGST Act.</span></li><li><span>The circular emphasizes that the insurance company remains responsible for the repair liability, even if the initial payment is made by the insured.</span></li></ul><h3>3. <strong>Extent of ITC Availability</strong></h3><p><span>The circular further clarifies the extent of ITC availability in different scenarios:</span></p><ul><li><span>If the invoice issued by the garage includes an amount in excess of the approved claim cost, the insurance company is entitled to ITC only to the extent of the approved claim cost reimbursed to the insured.</span></li><li><span>In cases where the garage issues two separate invoices, one for the insurance company (approved claim cost) and one for the insured (excess amount), the insurance company can avail ITC on the invoice issued to them.</span></li><li><span>ITC is not available to the insurance company if the invoice for the repair of the vehicle is not in the name of the insurance company, as per Section 16(2) of the CGST Act.</span></li></ul><h3>4. <strong>Uniformity in Implementation</strong></h3><p><span>The circular aims to ensure uniformity in the implementation of GST provisions across field formations by providing clear guidelines on the entitlement of ITC in the context of motor vehicle repair services in the reimbursement mode.</span> <a href="https://cms.plasament.com/storage/shubham-pathak/circular-no-217-11-2024.pdf">circular-no-217-11-2024</a><br> </p>