<p>The <strong>Government of India</strong>, through <strong>Circular No. 224/18/2024-GST</strong>, issued on <strong>July 11, 2024</strong>, provides <strong>guidelines on the recovery of outstanding GST dues in cases where first appeals have been disposed of but the GST Appellate Tribunal is not yet operational</strong>. This clarification ensures fair treatment for taxpayers facing pending appeals.</p><hr><h3><strong>1. Background of the Issue</strong></h3><ul><li>When the <strong>first appellate authority confirms a tax demand</strong>, taxpayers should have the right to appeal before the <strong>GST Appellate Tribunal</strong> under <strong>Section 112 of the CGST Act</strong>.</li><li>However, due to the <strong>non-constitution of the Appellate Tribunal</strong>, many taxpayers <strong>cannot file an appeal or make the mandatory pre-deposit</strong>.</li><li><strong>Confusion arose</strong> regarding whether recovery proceedings should continue and <strong>whether pre-deposits could be adjusted</strong> against voluntary payments made via <strong>FORM GST DRC-03</strong>.</li></ul><hr><h3><strong>2. Clarification on Recovery and Pre-Deposits</strong></h3><ul><li><strong>If an appeal cannot be filed due to the non-constitution of the Tribunal, recovery proceedings should be stayed</strong> once the taxpayer makes the required <strong>pre-deposit (as per Section 112(8))</strong>.</li><li><strong>Payment of the pre-deposit should be made through the Electronic Liability Register (ELL) Part-II</strong> via <strong>"Payment towards demand"</strong> on the GST portal.</li><li><strong>A taxpayer must submit an undertaking</strong> stating they will file an appeal once the Tribunal becomes operational.</li><li><strong>If the taxpayer fails to submit the pre-deposit or undertaking, recovery proceedings will continue.</strong></li></ul><hr><h3><strong>3. Adjustment of Pre-Deposits Paid Through FORM GST DRC-03</strong></h3><ul><li><strong>Some taxpayers mistakenly made payments via FORM GST DRC-03</strong>, intending to pay towards a demand.</li><li><strong>A new FORM GST DRC-03A has been introduced (via Notification No. 12/2024-CT) to allow taxpayers to adjust such payments</strong> against pre-deposits required for appeals under <strong>Sections 107 and 112</strong>.</li><li><strong>If the taxpayer submits FORM GST DRC-03A</strong>, the <strong>payment made earlier will be treated as a pre-deposit</strong>.</li><li><strong>If the taxpayer does not file an appeal within the given timeline, the remaining demand will be recovered as per law</strong>.</li></ul><hr><h3><strong>4. Temporary Relief Until FORM GST DRC-03A Is Available</strong></h3><ul><li><strong>Since FORM GST DRC-03A is not yet available on the GST portal</strong>, taxpayers can <strong>inform the proper officer</strong> about their earlier DRC-03 payment.</li><li><strong>Tax officers should not initiate recovery proceedings</strong> until the functionality is made available.</li><li><strong>Once the FORM GST DRC-03A is live, taxpayers must submit it promptly</strong> to adjust their payments correctly.</li></ul><hr><h3><strong>5. Implications for Taxpayers</strong></h3><ul><li><strong>No immediate GST recovery</strong> if the pre-deposit is made and the intent to appeal is communicated.</li><li><strong>Easier adjustment of mistaken payments</strong> made through <strong>FORM GST DRC-03</strong>.</li><li><strong>Ensures fair treatment</strong> for taxpayers until the GST Appellate Tribunal becomes functional.<a href="https://cms.plasament.com/storage/nisha/circular-no-224-2024.pdf">circular-no-224-2024</a><br> </li></ul>