<p>The <strong>Government of India</strong>, through <strong>Circular No. 222/16/2024-GST</strong>, issued on <strong>June 26, 2024</strong>, clarifies the <strong>time of supply for GST payment on spectrum allocation and similar services</strong>. This clarification addresses <strong>GST applicability on deferred payments for spectrum usage by telecom operators</strong>.</p><hr><h3><strong>1. Background of the Issue</strong></h3><ul><li>The <strong>Department of Telecommunications (DoT)</strong> auctions <strong>spectrum usage rights</strong> to telecom operators.</li><li>Operators <strong>can pay upfront</strong> or opt for <strong>deferred payments in installments</strong>.</li><li>Some tax authorities were <strong>treating the Frequency Assignment Letter (FAL) as an invoice</strong> and <strong>demanding interest</strong> for payments made beyond <strong>60 days</strong>.</li><li>This <strong>created confusion</strong> regarding <strong>when GST should be paid</strong> on these services.</li></ul><hr><h3><strong>2. Clarification on Time of Supply</strong></h3><ul><li><strong>Spectrum allocation is classified as a "continuous supply of services"</strong> under <strong>Section 2(33) of the CGST Act</strong> since spectrum usage is provided <strong>for more than three months with periodic payments</strong>.</li><li><strong>GST must be paid based on the chosen payment option:</strong><ol><li><strong>If the operator pays upfront:</strong> GST is payable <strong>when payment is made or due, whichever is earlier</strong>.</li><li><strong>If the operator chooses deferred payments:</strong> GST is payable <strong>when each installment is due or paid, whichever is earlier</strong>.</li></ol></li></ul><hr><h3><strong>3. Frequency Assignment Letter (FAL) is Not an Invoice</strong></h3><ul><li>The <strong>Frequency Assignment Letter (FAL) is not an invoice</strong>, but a <strong>bid acceptance document</strong> confirming spectrum allocation.</li><li><strong>Invoices will be issued based on the due date of payments</strong> mentioned in the <strong>Notice Inviting Applications (NIA) and FAL</strong>.</li><li><strong>Interest should not be charged</strong> for payments made within the agreed installment period.</li></ul><hr><h3><strong>4. Impact on Other Natural Resource Allocations</strong></h3><ul><li>This <strong>GST treatment will also apply</strong> to other cases where the <strong>government allocates natural resources</strong> (e.g., <strong>mining rights, land leases</strong>) with <strong>periodic payments</strong>.</li></ul><hr><h3><strong>5. Implications for Telecom Operators</strong></h3><ul><li><strong>Operators paying in installments must ensure timely GST payments</strong> as per their payment schedule.</li><li><strong>No additional interest liability</strong> will arise as long as GST is paid on or before the <strong>due date of each installment</strong>.</li><li><strong>Telecom companies need to align their tax compliance strategies</strong> with this new clarification<a href="https://cms.plasament.com/storage/nisha/circular-no-222-16-2024.pdf">circular-no-222-16-2024</a><br> </li></ul>