<h2><strong>1. GST on Cloud Kitchens & Central Kitchens</strong></h2><p>? <strong>Cloud kitchens & central kitchens</strong> qualify as <strong>"restaurant services"</strong> under GST.<br>? <strong>Applicable GST rate:</strong> <strong>5% (without ITC)</strong>.<br>? <strong>Reason:</strong> They provide <strong>cooked food</strong>, even if it’s only for takeaway or delivery.</p><hr><h2><strong>2. GST on Ice Cream Sold by Ice Cream Parlors</strong></h2><p>? <strong>Ice cream parlors sell pre-manufactured ice cream</strong>, and <strong>do not prepare/cook it</strong>.<br>? <strong>GST Treatment:</strong> Considered <strong>supply of goods, not restaurant service</strong>.<br>? <strong>Applicable GST rate:</strong> <strong>18% GST</strong>.</p><hr><h2><strong>3. GST Exemption for Coaching Services Under Disability Scholarship Scheme</strong></h2><p>? <strong>Coaching services for students with disabilities</strong> (funded by the government) <strong>are exempt from GST</strong>.<br>? <strong>Reason:</strong> Exempt under <strong>Entry 72 of Notification No. 12/2017-CT (Rate)</strong> as government-funded training.</p><hr><h2><strong>4. GST on Satellite Launch Services by NSIL (New Space India Ltd.)</strong></h2><p>? <strong>Satellite launch services provided by NSIL</strong> to <strong>international customers</strong> qualify as <strong>"export of services"</strong> and are <strong>zero-rated</strong>.<br>? <strong>Domestic satellite launch services</strong> <strong>are taxable under GST</strong>.<br>? <strong>Reason:</strong> Same treatment as given to <strong>ANTRIX Corporation Ltd.</strong> in <strong>Circular No. 2/1/2017-IGST</strong>.</p><hr><h2><strong>5. GST on Overloading Charges at Toll Plazas</strong></h2><p>? <strong>Toll charges are exempt from GST</strong> under <strong>Entry 23 of Notification No. 12/2017-CT (Rate)</strong>.<br>? <strong>Overloading charges</strong> are considered <strong>part of toll fees</strong> and are <strong>also exempt from GST</strong>.</p><hr><h2><strong>6. GST on Renting of Vehicles to State Transport Undertakings & Local Authorities</strong></h2><p>? <strong>GST Exemption Applies</strong> to <strong>renting/hiring of vehicles</strong> to:</p><ul><li><strong>State Transport Undertakings (STUs) – For 12+ passenger vehicles.</strong></li><li><strong>Local Authorities – For electric vehicles with 12+ passengers.</strong><br>? <strong>Clarification:</strong> The term <strong>"giving on hire" includes renting</strong>, so <strong>renting of vehicles also qualifies for exemption</strong>.</li></ul><hr><h2><strong>7. GST on Grant of Mineral Exploration & Mining Rights (Before 01.01.2019)</strong></h2><p>? <strong>Before 01.01.2019:</strong> Mining rights were <strong>taxed at 18% GST</strong>, not 5%.<br>? <strong>After 01.01.2019:</strong> Mining rights <strong>explicitly taxed at 18% GST</strong>.<br>? <strong>Reason:</strong></p><ul><li>Mining leases <strong>are not goods</strong> and do not qualify for the <strong>5% rate linked to minerals</strong>.</li><li><strong>Standard GST rate of 18% applies to services unless specified otherwise.</strong></li></ul><hr><h2><strong>8. GST on Admission to Amusement Parks & Entertainment Facilities</strong></h2><p>? <strong>Before 01.10.2021:</strong></p><ul><li><strong>18% GST</strong> → <strong>Amusement parks, theme parks, joy rides, go-karting, etc.</strong></li><li><strong>28% GST</strong> → <strong>Casinos, race clubs, sporting events (e.g., IPL)</strong>.<br>? <strong>Clarification:</strong></li><li><strong>28% GST only applies to places with casinos or race clubs</strong>.</li><li><strong>Indoor amusement parks & family entertainment centers (FECs) = 18% GST</strong>.</li></ul><hr><h2><strong>9. GST on Contract Manufacturing of Alcoholic Liquor for Human Consumption</strong></h2><p>? <strong>Alcoholic liquor is NOT considered "food" for GST purposes.</strong><br>? <strong>Contract manufacturing services (job work) for alcohol attract 18% GST</strong> (not 5%).<br>? <strong>Reason:</strong> Job work rate of <strong>5% applies only to food & food products under Chapters 1-22</strong>, excluding alcohol.</p><hr><h2><strong>10. Trade Notices & Implementation</strong></h2><p>? <strong>CBIC directs tax authorities</strong> to issue trade notices ensuring businesses understand these clarifications.<br>? Any <strong>challenges in implementation</strong> should be reported to CBIC.<a href="https://cms.plasament.com/storage/shubham-pathak/circular-no-164-2021-gst.pdf">Circular-No-164-2021-GST</a><br> </p>